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Earn Your Seaplane Rating

About Us
Seaplane Flight Training

Are you considering a seaplane rating, or some serious back-country seaplane flying?


Then call us here at Venture North Seaplanes.  Located in northern Minnesota, 15 air miles from the Duluth Int'l Airport in Cloquet, MN.  Only a 30 minute drive to our location at (KCOQ) airport from downtown Duluth MN......

Seaplane Ratings
Seaplane Ratings and Training

Earn your private or commercial seaplane rating. Located on the western tip of Lake Superior, you will have access to thousands of lakes for sepalne flying.

Don't settle for anything less than the classic Super Cub on amphibious floats; perfect for that secluded Northwood's lake or the private grass strip......

Our Seaplane Training
Float Plane Ratings and Training

Begin your seaplane rating adventure at our home base in northeast Minnesota. KCOQ airport is surrounded by thousands of northern Minnesota  lakes.  


Our location is perfect for wilderness seaplane rating adventures along the US and Canadian border or a 3 day seaplane rating visiting many scenic area lakes.......

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